a girl can dream

 Being the only shopping/browsing addict that I am, I tend to have a rather lengthy wish list, with a wide variety of items... Here are a few of my favorites that I have been dreaming of!

My beautiful Nixon's, one day we will meet and be friends forever
 Nook Color - It took a good deal of convincing to get me to think I could give up the smell and feeling of my books, but this thing is just pretty cool

Too Faced eyeshadow duo's
 TOMS Shoes!!

The Little Prince Pop-Up book - so awesome
Hunter Rain boots

Anything, and I truly mean anything Le Creuset in caribeean and kiwi

 Kitchen Aid Pro Mixer.... le sigh
Anthropologie owl cookie jar - so adorable

Ikea giant mirror - hoping to add this to my life soon!! THANK YOU MISTER!!
I did say I was a dreamer right? Well, I tend to dream BIG. Viking big. 

City in a Bag- so cute!!